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Quantum Computing


Quantum computing is the development of hardware an software for a new type of computer which uses quantum particles and physics to quickly perform complex calculations. 

Practical Application 

Because quantum computers can perform complex calculations quickly, there are lots of applications, especially in security, finance, scientific research, and engineering.

Three Examples of how a professional or person might use quantum computing:

Professionals, except for engineers, and regular people may not interact directly with quantum computers in the near future. However, the impact of these high speed computers and their ability to do calculations much faster may have implications for banking, online safety, and how the average person trusts companies they use.

Here are some potential benefits of quantum computing:

  • Financial institutions may be able to use quantum computing to design more effective and efficient investment portfolios for retail and institutional clients. They could focus on creating better trading simulators and improve fraud detection.

  • The healthcare industry could use quantum computing to develop new drugs and genetically-targeted medical care. It could also power more advanced DNA research.

  • For stronger online security, quantum computing can help design better data encryption and ways to use light signals to detect intruders in the system.

  • Quantum computing can be used to design more efficient, safer aircraft and traffic planning systems which require complex calculations involving everything from weather, delays, air traffic control data, and numerous flights in the air at any time.

Are there SPECIFIC standards for quantum computing?

The QIS K12 Framework has standards for K-12 connected to quantum computing.

Are there places where quantum computing appears in other standards?

Quantum has deep connection to physics, Chemistry, and Math and is highlighted in the QIS K12 Framework

What are good starting resources for a teacher or administrator?

There are a few resources available for teaching quantum computing, but more are being released every day for this important and growing field.

Quantime Activities

Explaining Quantum Computing to Kids

How do ethics and social impacts intersect quantum computing?

Many of the security systems on computers that keep our data and information safe are based on really hard mathematics problems (encryption). Quantum computers make it easier to solve those problems, and speed up the rate of doing business. Earnest and Young talk here about the risks to consider in the growing implementation of Quantum. Deloitte also talks about the potential risks of Quantum Computing and highlights their ethical tech framework for business.

Are there any media or stories of this out there? 

What keywords could be searched to find out more about quantum computing?


How can we build capacity to add quantum computing to our instruction?

Few curriculum platforms have lessons or resources for teaching quantum computing. Use the Q12 pages linked above as a good starting place for lessons and activities.

Financial Support

As quantum is a very new field, look for opportunities to fund innovative lessons in computer science and science. There may also be funded outreach or professional development available through your local university.


Pathway planning and Support

  • CSforALL SCRIPT Program

  • Check with your local CSTA chapter or with your state department of education for upcoming professional learning and pathway planning opportunities.

Fields of SC

How its connected

Quantum computing builds on work in algorithms, hardware, physical computing systems, mathematics and science. As scientists explore what can be done with quantum computers, new developments will make its way back to impact the other fields of CS.

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